
Facts About Rajnikanth

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For those who don't know who is "Rajnikaanth"

He never wet his bed as a child,
the bed wet itself in fear.

Once the facebook's founder was hospitalised,
Because he poked him.

Once he participated in a race,
he came 1st,
Einstein died after watching that,
light came 2nd.

When he was in class 3,
teacher told him to write an essay on anything,
Today that essay is known as WIKIPEDIA.

He once wrote his biography,
Today that book in known as GUINNESS BOOK OF WORLD RECORD.

When he does push ups,
He is not lifting himself up,
He is pushing the earth down.

When he joined facebook,
the next second he got a notification,
that facebook wants to be his friend.

He once hit a six,
and that ball is today known as PLUTO.

Once he threw his ring in the air,
it went to a planet,
and that planet became SATURN.

Rajnikanth Theory Of Light:
Throw a beam of your torch light on a mirror with refractive index 100 at an angle of 17.63 degrees. The reflected beam hits the ceiling and then further hits the wall before striking the cigar. The reflected light, due to high air friction and friction at the wall gets converted into heat which in turn gets converted into fire in 0.001256 micro seconds. This lights the cigar and you can smoke with the light(delight).
Rajnikanth's Theory of Physics - Vol III


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